Prenatal Massage is a perfect way to prepare for your baby.
Being pregnant is an amazing time filled with changes both on the inside and the out. Not only is massage great for your physical body but also very beneficial to your emotional and mental well being. Massage allows you to take a deep breathe and nurture yourself too.
At Sana Therapeutic Massage we are concerned with comfort as well as receiving the most customizable treatments for each client. We offer special pregnancy bolsters as well as bolsters to insure your best possible results. We have state of the art prone bolsters for Prenatal massages and respiratory therapy.
We also offer sideline massage for those who do not wish to be face down during treatments. By using bolsters and pillows mom to be can lay on her side during her treatment roughly mid way the therapist will adjust pillows so the client can turn over to the other side to ensure a full body massage during treatment.